The pages of the website contain information on investment funds and other collective investment schemes authorized for public distribution in Switzerland.
The site proposes various contents which are addressed either to qualified investors, or to unskilled investors, the concept of qualified investor to be understood within the meaning of the art. Al. 3 CISA. It is the responsibility of each person visiting the site to identify himself in the category that corresponds to him. In addition, some products published by may be subject to sales restrictions applicable to certain countries or individuals. It is the responsibility of each investor to be aware of the conditions relating to the products of the issuer in the light of his personal situation.
The website has an exclusively informative purpose. This information does not constitute a solicitation, an offer (past or present) to subscribe or purchase the funds mentioned therein, investment advice or even a recommendation concerning investment or other decisions. makes every effort to ensure that the information is correct at the time of publication. However, and since the information comes from external sources, cannot explicitly or implicitly provide any assurance or warranty (including liability to third parties) as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information published.
The information published on the website may change at any time without notice. Therefore, it should not be inferred from information published once on the website that their conditions would never have changed since the publication or from the date of notification to the supervisory authority, nor consider them as always up-to-date information since their publication. Moreover, past performance of investment funds cannot be a guarantee of their future. The website may contain “forward-looking statements”. Although these forward-looking statements reflect the views and future expectations of individual fund promoters or others, a number of factors may cause actual developments and results to differ materially from these expectations. is not obliged (and expressly disclaims such an obligation) to change the forward-looking statements of the various fund promoters, due to new information.
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